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Don't fence me in

The Explorer desires authentic self expression. They seek freedom to explore the world in order to create a more fulfilling life.

This archetype is sometimes called the Seeker, Adventurer, Pioneer, Pilgrim, Iconoclast, Individualist, or Wanderer.


The Explorer is a good identity for brands if:

  • Your product helps people feel free, is nonconformist, or is pioneering in some way

  • Your product is rugged & sturdy or is appropriate for use in nature, on the road, or in dangerous settings or occupations

  • Your product can be found or purchased in an alternative or unusual way

  • Your product helps people express their individuality (e.g., fashion, furnishings)

  • Your product can be purchased and consumed “on the go”

  • You seek to differentiate your brand from a more conformist brand

  • Your organization has an Explorer culture

  • You encourage a willingness to take risks in pursuit of authenticity

  • You facilitate freedom in any form

  • You provide a path to self sufficiency

  • Your product provides an escape from boredom and the every day

Explorer Mindset

DESIRE: The find out who you really are through exploring the world

GOAL: To experience a more authentic and fulfilling life, authentic self expression

GIFT: Autonomy, ability to be true to self

CALL: Dissatisfaction, boredom, yearning, restlessness

FEAR: Being trapped, boredom, conforming, inner emptiness

SHADOW: Aimless Wandering; the more individualized self expression becomes, the less you fit in - leading to feelings of alienation

AESTHETIC: Utilitarian, like to be able to see how it works

Levels of the Explorer

Level 1: Hitting the open road going out into nature, exploring the world

Level 2: Seeking your own individuality, becoming fulfilled

Level 3: Expressing individuality and uniqueness


Coca Cola logo

The Innocent

Motto: Free to be you and me

Core Motivating Desire: To experience happiness through goodness.

Disney logo

The Magician

Motto: It can happen.

Core Motivating Desire: To make dreams come true by understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe.

PBS logo

The Sage

Motto: The truth will set you free.

Core Motivating Desire: To discover true understanding of the world.


Chart of the 12 Brand Archetypes

The 12 Brand Archetypes were developed by Carol Pearson and Margaret Mark as a system for consistently creating stronger and more meaningful brands. The content on this site has been paraphrased where possible, and cited directly where needed to maintain accuracy.

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