Where there's a will, there's a way.
The Hero sees life as an opportunity to prove their worth through strength, courage, or action. They believe that winning is success, that action is better than inaction, that the strong protect the weak - and just so we are clear - they are the strong.
This archetype is also called the Athlete, Champion, Competitor, Crusader, Dragon Slayer, Liberator, Rescuer, Soldier, Superhero, Team Player, Victor, or Warrior.

The Hero may be a good identity for your brand if:
You have an invention or innovation that will have a major impact on the world
Your product helps people perform at their upper limit
You are addressing a major social problem and asking people to step up to the plate to help address it
You have a clear opponent or competitor you want to beat
You are the underdog and want to rival the competition
The strength of your product or service is its ability to do a tough job efficiently and well
You need to differentiate your product from one that has problems with follow-through
Your customer base identifies itself as good, moral citizens
Hero Mindset
DESIRE: To achieve, to rescue, to triumph. To be the best that you can be as manifested through courage, strength and power
GOAL: To become as strong, competent, and powerful as possible. To exert mastery in a way that improves the world.
GIFT: Competence, courage and drive
CALL: A challenge or someone needing help, Abuse of yourself or others
FEAR: Weakness, Vulnerability
SHADOW: Ruthlessness, need to win at all costs, arrogance, an insatiable need for an enemy
Levels of the Hero
Level 1: The development of boundaries, competence and mastery expressed through achievement and motivated or tested through competition
Level 2: Working hard; doing your duty for your country, organization, community, or family
Level 3: Using strength, courage and competence to make a difference to you and in the world
Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself
Core Motivating Desire: To help others, to be needed.

The 12 Brand Archetypes were developed by Carol Pearson and Margaret Mark as a system for consistently creating stronger and more meaningful brands. The content on this site has been paraphrased where possible, and cited directly where needed to maintain accuracy.

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